We had a lot of fun celebrating our fave rum distillery Brix Distillers recently.

The Brix Distillery Crew really put on a great night with tastings of their latest creation Citrus Got Real - the limoncello of rums - distillery tours, a welcome cocktail and entry into the door prize to win your very own mini barrel of rum!

We caught up with a few industry peeps and had the pleasure of trying Citrus Got Real - delish! We highly recommend this drop as a Christmas present idea.

The Brix merch’ store also stocks some funky t-shirts and a sample pack of each of their three flavours.

Congrats to the Brix crew on a fabulous evening in Surry Hills.

Brix is our starting point for our Surry Hills Dining Walk, with a lime daiquiri and South American shared mezze plate served to kick off your night.